- Bird image painted in watercolor and ink on vintage USGS maps
- Laser printed text, on Zerkall German Ingres paper
- Tunnel book structure with gate folded hard covers housed archival folder with slip case
- 7 x 8 x .25 inches, closed
- Signed, unique handmade book
- 2023
- $1,800.00
- To order, please contact the artist.

As one of the tiniest of the smallest bird species, and weighing less than a nickel, Rufous Hummingbirds fly one of the longest migration routes of any bird its size, 3,900 miles (one-way) from Alaska to Mexico. Another remarkable fact is that there is no bird more colorful. Hummingbirds see colors in the ultraviolet spectrum invisible to us. Their plumage contains more bird-visible colors than all other bird species combined. Although still considered common, Rufous Hummingbird populations have declined by 67% from 1966 to 2019 due to habitat loss, glass collisions, cat predation, and pesticides. They are one of 70 bird species on the “Tipping Point” list that will drop another 50% in the same time frame if conservation doesn’t improve.
A Route of Evanescence,
With a revolving Wheel –
A Resonance of Emerald
A Rush of Cochineal –
And every Blossom on the Bush
Adjusts it’s tumbled Head –
The Mail from Tunis – probably,
An easy Morning’s Ride –
– Emily Dickinson