- Bird image painted in watercolor and ink on vintage USGS maps
- Laser printed text, on Zerkall German Ingres paper
- Tunnel book structure with gate folded hard covers housed archival folder with slip case
- 7 x 8 x .25 inches, closed
- Signed, unique handmade book
- 2023
- $1,800.00
- To order, please contact the artist.

The Steller’s Jay is still considered common, but their populations have declined by 34% between 1966 and 2019. They are vulnerable to the threats other wild birds face like; domestic cat predation, pesticides, collisions, and habitat loss. Jays and other corvids play a crucial role as ecosystem engineers. By storing nuts and seeds in caches across the landscape, they can help speed the recovery, growth, and movement of tree colonies. In the Willamette Valley, Oregon white oak savannas have dwindled to a scant 15% of pre-European settlement extent. This sort of acorn dispersal can have ecosystem-wide benefits that can counter the impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change.
A prompt – executive Bird is the Jay –
Bold as a Bailiff‘s Hymn –
Brittle and Brief in quality –
Warrant in every line –
Sitting a Bough like a Brigadier
Confident and straight –
Much is the mien of him in March
As a Magistrate –
– Emily Dickinson